Can I get pregnant the first time I have sex? - uhm yes.
So, I got pregnant the first time I had sex, now I want an abortion, how do I make it happen?
Like honestly don't parents educate their children on sex ed anymore? Why is it even legal to use abortion as a birth control method?
I'm going to bed, all these teeny boppers ruined my evening.... #$*%#*Why are teenagers so uneducated and stupid?
The decline of society, morals and values. Cycle of unqualified parents creating more unqualified parents.Why are teenagers so uneducated and stupid?
I say the same thing as Sarah -Baby boy due in sept.1st!
I'm not uneducated and stupid. I am aware of all that.
Great, and ignorant person who judges teens.
Its random people in general who are uneducated and stupid.
Go to sleep, you obviously need some.
Not all teens are dumb and stupid, some are really smart and have great lives. I have a great life and I would never change a thing about it. You need to stop been mean to young people. Not all young people are this way.
No, parents don't educate their kids anymore. And sex ed is very explicate and almost never talks about abstinence. Plus, I really feel like adults are too easy on kids about the whole thing. I saw a question last night by a 14 year old who was trying to get pregnant and everyone told her not a good idea but it's your decision. It feels like parents are afraid to lecture and discipline. A lot of the parents are to busy sleeping around themselves. I guess we can't expect kids to act responsible when their parents are idiots too.
Oh, and I love all the teens on here saying I'm mature and smart. Sorry kids, when I was your age I thought that way too. Now that I'm a little older I see just how immature I was. I'm 23 and still have a lot of growing up to do. And people come on, we aren't saying all teens are stupid, we are just talking about the ones who actually are, and there is a big majority of them. Also, just because some of you are teen parents and doing ok, doesn't mean that what you did was smart. You were stupid for getting yourself into the situation. Of course you love your baby, that doesn't mean you should have gotten pregnant in the first place though.
As for the abortion for birth control. It is because the majority of people in this country don't value human life anymore. It is really sad.
I really wish us adults could have a conversation without the trolls and kids getting in the middle of it. I don't care if it's good advice, I don't want a 15 year old telling me how to parent.
i find it funny how all the teenagers are getting all offended im sure she isnt directly speaking of you unless you are one of those people who ask those questions calm down people i agree sometimes things people in general not just teenagers say just pisses me off so bad its just life though stupid uneducated people come your way sometimes you can choose to dwell on it or forget i am for forgetting it!
hmmmm well I'm old but the older I get the smarter my parents get
im not estupid
I'm fifteen and I don't think I'm stupid... Those kids asking those questions are the ignorant, stubborn people who were raised the wrong way... Practically their parents' fault. Not all of us are dumb sluts like how you must be thinking we are...
ok teens are young but some are not stupid, if you hate those types of questions dont read them, if you want the points on here, answer in a simple question. and get your stupid 2 points for answering them.
This is why I tend to avoid Y!A on Friday and Saturday nights, but I am up late because I am having a hard time getting comfortable (31 weeks) so instead of being in bed annoyed that I can't sleep I decided to come online...I know how you feel. Try not to let them ruin your evening, they are just bored. Thank goodness school is around the corner
I think a lot of kids out there are uneducated, and maybe slightly stupid. But I think that it varies from kid to kid.
And I think that some kids use this as an outlet, they feel safe concealing their identity and asking any question they want... hoping to find answers because maybe they're embarrassed or really are uneducated but want to become educated.
A lot of questions on here, I agree are really stupid and they seem really ignorant. But at least they're asking...
since apparently teens aren't being taught on much anymore.
Unless its by the media.
not stupid, but young
abortion is used as a alternative birth control method.. it was originally intended for people who truly didn't want, or couldn't handle a baby. but, like most things, it was abused. the main contraception, i believe are these things called CONDOMS!! you know, the old saying WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT! And there is sex ed where i live in both middle school, and high school.
they're not they're just ignorant
Their brain is not fully developed ,yet,especially in the Actions, Consequences department.
Full brain development doesn't complete til the age of 25. There's hope for them as they become older.
Teenagers are all about Immediate Gratification.
In my opinion they are like that because they don't listen enough when it comes to sex ed. They think i've heard all this before so i don't need to listen to it again, which they don't know anything about it. I don't think they should use abortion as a birth control method, if they don't want to get pregnant they should use a condom or go on the pill before they decide to have sex. When their parents try and talk to them about it they go out of the room quickly thinking that they are embarrassed. My mum taught me as soon as i started my periods, she told me everything i needed to know which then i didn't think i would want to fall pregnant at 15.
But not all teenagers are like that but it would help them if they listened more when they get taught about this stuff.
im a teenager and im EDUCATED and sometimes stupid. (lol but not in that way)
And some of us teenagers are smart and not skanky whores who runs around getting preggo by sick bastards.
And yes, I am a teenager and i think teeny boppers are the most annoying thing ever!! So don't think ALL teenagers dont know this cause we arent that stupid! D:%26lt;
Hey, not every teenager is uneducated and ignorant. I'm 17 and I'm extremely involved with what's going on in the world.
Some people are just stupid no matter what age they are but I do agree with your statement that abortion is used as a birth control. It's ridiculous. But do not group all teenagers together! Some of us do still have morals, and values, and minds :)
Matthew: i think your right on with the cycle of bad parents. I've been raised by older parents, (60yr old father, 55 year old mother), and the values they've taught me are definetely not being taught to my peers. And what's scary is the teenagers I attend high school with believe whatever they do is okay.
I'm not uneducated and stupid. I am aware of all that.
Great, and ignorant person who judges teens.
Its random people in general who are uneducated and stupid.
Go to sleep, you obviously need some.
Teenagers these days think the world is theirs. they think they can have unprotected sex and that nothing bad will happen. then they think the can get an abortion and that everyone will agree with their decision. they are $tupid and just want to make people mad. They should go to sleep, not us!
lol. i'll be19 when my baby is born. I'm 14 weeks 1 day pregnant now and although i'm young, i've been out of school for over a year and cant be around people under the age of 23...i think i have 2 friends around my age...AND THEY'RE JUST PLAIN IGNORANT!!!! I stick to my boyfriends family...totally unplanned pregnancy and if i hear ONE MORE KID SAY THEY WANT A BABY I'LL SCREAM!!!! I cant even handle this pregnancy..already been to the E.R once for severe dehydration from morning sickness and i've spent a lot of money just towards the baby. i haven't bought a thing for me or my boyfriend... i can barley pay rent but yes..people are ignorant and apparently everyone under 18 thinks they can do whatever they want...some even older then that...but good luck with everything.. i have heartburn... OFF TO FIND TUMS!!! :)
because they are young and stupid
young, yes...stupid, no (i'm 16) and heres a big:
U AVERAGE stereotypical jerk...idc if your pregnant %26amp; cranky.
I'm a teenager, and I can tell you, not all teenagers are ';uneducated and stupid';. Though, what really bothers me is teens that have intercourse and then ask these questions. You should be educated about sex before actually having it. And I guess not a lot of teens are. It also annoys me how some teenagers are highly immature.. That don't use vocabulary in the right way, and still ask ';am i pregnant'; questions. Though it is annoying, we're growing up.
People don't understand the concept of taking responsibility for their actions. I'll all for people doing what they want (i.e. having sex) but it seems as though they do it without considering the potential consequences of it. Why? Because they don't have to take responsibility. Society gives them an easy way out and they take it. Poof. It's gone. No more problem, we don't have any responsibilities or consequences in our lives.
Abortion doesn't make you un-pregnant. It makes you the mother of a dead baby.
Hehe. I think the same thing every time I come on here. I am just so sick of it I just normally pass over the questions. But yeah, I totally agree with you!!!!
Edit- Wow!! I am so shocked at your answers!! Haha obviously she's talking about the stupid teens who come on here 5 minutes after having unprotected sex with their bf and ask if their pregnant. Haha. Obviously these people are stupid enough to have unprotected sex in the first place (when not trying to get pregnant) and the. Ask stupid questions like ';I had sex 2 days ago and I'm feeling sick and I'm having cravings. I took two tests and they are negitive. Do you think I'm prego??!!'; These are the teens she's obviously talking about!!
im a teen mother and i am not ';young and stupid'; i was 18 when i gave birth to my son, hes the best thing that has happened to me. we knew what we were doing. dont pass judgement like that on all teens please
All teenagers aren't uneducated and stupid.
I'm only fifteen and I'm well aware of everything
you're saying. Your ignorance is making YOU look stupid.
You have ruined my evening by calling me stupid.
Of course some people are not as smart as they should be.
You're just being stereotypical. Yes, do us all a favor and
go to sleep. You seem cranky.
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