influence a teenagers behavior and help promote violence?Teenagers who become violent are not as rare as we might hope. Do video games, television, and movies?
Those things I believe will only make a child more violent if their parents just get them that stuff.. and absolutely do NOT openly talk to them about it first.. or tell them it's wrong. Like for example.. I've watched horror movies and played violent games occasionally since I was little and I'm not violent.. if anything I've learned what little violence I have in me when I'm mad from my dad. Parents that use video games to 'babysit' their kids while they are off working doing whatever for THEMSELVES are the ones that will have chances of more violent kids.. that's just my opinion.Teenagers who become violent are not as rare as we might hope. Do video games, television, and movies?
Video games, television and movies can indeed influence teenagers into violence, but they are not the main cause. The culprit hides within the teenagers themselves. The name is testosterone. From time to time those hormones burst up like a volcano and they must find out an open valve for the excess
to go free. The best way then is through violence, especially in
boys who become bullies. Even among friends the bullies seem to have the need to make sure they are still in place.
An article I read in a psychology journal where the authors conducted a meta-analysis of a number of different studies examining the relationship between aggression and video game violence. The ultimate correlation they came up with was r = .36 .
A correlation is a measure of a relationship between two events. A correlation measures between -1 and 1, where negative correlations indicating an inverse relationship (as one variable increases the other variable decreases) and 0 indicating no relationship. The thing about a correlation is that it does not mean causation; it is simply the occurrence of two events in relation to one another.
Moving past the statistics crash course, what this means is we see a relationship that shows that when children play violent video games there does appear to more acts of aggression.
But is .36 a strong correlation? Well the correlation between smoking cigarettes and lung cancer, heart disease and emphysema is .4 , so I am inclined to agree that violent video games do impact aggressive behaviors positively (that is statistically speaking [increasing aggression]).
When I was a child, me and my lil bro used to like watching wrestling (WWF). And we copied it like wrestling with each other. We played video games a lot, watch tv a lot but ended up as a normal person. I don't know maybe it depends on the person whether he will end up violent or not even though surrounded by these things? And maybe the way the parents raise them and educations mould them a lot too...
Playing violence through video games gives them a chance to release their emotions, instead of going out in the street and killing people for real. Television and movies, however, may be a different story, in case they develop a role model who's a criminal.
to be honest i blame the whole hip hop scene mostly, a lot of these teenagers think its easy to live a ''thug life'' and no repercussions will come of it, they screw there life up trying to be these people, i see the affect it is happening on my youngest brother he started listening to hip hop, dresses like a chav, and talks all violent to us, the other day i was trying to have a laugh with him, he didn't take it the right way and he turned around and said if i had a gun then i would of shot you, his 11!!!! it is hip hop that is doing it to this youth, i have mental problems and it took me 5 years to work out listening to this music made me get angry and wish to be violent, i listen to rock now and it calms me down, rap artists glamorise violence and crime and make it sound ''cool'' to walk around with guns and knives and got around hurting and sometimes killing each other, they think jail is a cool place to go and we all know it is not, they dont seem to realise this lifestyle wont last long untill there in jail for a long time doing a stretch or worse dead...
this is my opinion any way
I think that can have a lot to do with it, but I think if a parent takes an active role in helping a child to understand the difference between fiction and reality, it doesn't necessarily have to influence them.
If anyone got influenced by a video game, it happened when they were younger and stuck with them through their older years.
People aren't affected by that stuffs when they're older. It's a childhood thing.
If anyone, teenager or otherwise, becomes disconnected with the real world for whatever reason, the potential is there for them to behave in an irrational manner.
my 7 year old brother is extremely violent and copies moves he sees on tv. he plays on shooting games constantly.
its a bit worrying actually.
See the world thinks these video games
and movies etc do all this but the kids
do whatever they want.
Nope video games don't make you violent I play gears of war all the time and im not violent yet.
no way
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