Saturday, August 21, 2010

For what reason do teenagers think they can be illiterate and rude online?

No, really. How arrogant do you have to be to think you don't need to make the smallest of efforts to make communication that YOU wish to have understandable to the rest of the human race? Do You even know what ';plz'; is short for or WHY it's supposed to be used? Can anyone under the age of 30 make a complete sentence? Why is spelling so optional? Are teens just lazy? Or are they ignorant as well? Finally, do any teens really understand that the reason language works is because it follows a standard so everyone can understand it?For what reason do teenagers think they can be illiterate and rude online?
When my children were in school, they were told to not worry about spelling and grammar but to just get their thoughts down on paper. I thought that was a disastrous idea and it turns out it was. Today we have text messaging, computer language (lol, brb) etc. It's really the corporations producing magic gismos for these kids that should be held responsible. Most people will take the path of least resistance.For what reason do teenagers think they can be illiterate and rude online?
hello, i am under the age of thirty and yes i can put a sentance together and i can do it without being rude, without insulting you and with no spelling errors.............. i have just proved you wrong..............
*teenager speaking*

i choose to spell out my keep me on my toes so i dont slack in my writing..

but yeah dude...its just laziness..and they think that they sound cool...but yeah..i do find it extremely annoying when im IMing a friend and every sentence is completely unrecognizable

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