Saturday, August 21, 2010

Should parents of teenagers be allowed to install cameras in their kids rooms and listen to their phone calls?

In my opinion, it is important for a parent to know what's going on in their child's life, however, it is extremely important to give children their privacy at the same time. A certain amount of trust and respect needs to be given to children to allow them to develop in a healthy manner. If a parent suspects that their child is involved in something that could put the child in a dangerous situation, the first thing to do would be to talk to the child about it. Be open and honest with your kids so that they will be open and honest with you!!Should parents of teenagers be allowed to install cameras in their kids rooms and listen to their phone calls?

What if your son is looking at a nude mag - do you really want to see/hear that? What if they are picking their nose or scratching their *****?

Or maybe your daughter is singing some lame song and dancing and would be embarassed to be watched.

Privacy and respect. No big brother at home.Should parents of teenagers be allowed to install cameras in their kids rooms and listen to their phone calls?
no. that is an invation of privacy! Teens have rights too! its just as bad as setting up cameras in a public place! OR BUSH LISTENING IN ON OUR PHONE CALLS!
Not unless they want to declare war and make enemy's out of their own children!
NO!!! kids deserve respect and privacy!!!!!
God no! I hate how some parents don't trust their ability to raise their kids. If they were there enough the whole time, the kids should be ok. Parents are so weird!

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