Friday, November 25, 2011

Why do teenagers always think they know it all?

..and think they can get away with it?Why do teenagers always think they know it all?
Mental confidence sort of spikes in teenage years. By biological standards, teenagers are adults. This developmental stage is as normal as toilet training or learning language, except that the learning is in thinking for oneself. Independence is a necessary thing to gain, and the first step to doing that is forming convictions, na茂ve as they may be, and sticking to them without considering other viewpoints.Why do teenagers always think they know it all?
because they
It's hormones. They think of themselves as adults now. As children, being adult means you can do what you want and what you like.
The same reason their parents think they is simple for any given age most know about as much as their minds can handle for their age. Hope it helps. I have 2 boys on verge of teenhood.....I have plenty of that to look forward to. Take care, and remember you too were a teenager. LOL Good luck %26amp; God Bless!
lol, because they aren't smart enough to know they dont.

reality eventually sets in
Realistically, they are at the cross roads of their experience (ever increasing) and their mental facility (which starts to decrease in late-teendom).

They ARE more mentally agile than their parents. They just aren't cycnical enough yet.

In any case, if they didn't know it all, they couldn't seperate themselves from their parents and begin their own lives. It would always seem better to stay with their parents (who house and feed them).

Ultimately, society depends on kids developing at least some independence streak.
The Truth is, Everyone at Every age knows it all, or at least all they know at any given time in their life. Hence; saying that a person thinks he knows it all is factual in the sense that their knowledge is constrained by time. One second later, an hour later or years later, they will know it all the more and will have gotten through life only to find they understood more when they knew less. Getting away with it, depends on where they take It...

It's All Relative Kids :) Ask Einstein?

What's My Point? Ah, a Point in Every Direction is the same as No Point At All...
admit it. you thought the same way when you are a teenager.

its the age where you think you know everything that is going on. You are dating a guy/girl that you think is perfect. You parents tell you otherwise. But your at the age where you dont listen. Thats just the way it is.

I grew up differently though. I was raised to know that my parents have gone through these things and to maybe listen to them.

When I was a teenager I thought my parents were close minded selfish, not every good parents.

And what do you know? I was right!
well if they get away with it once then they think they can do it all the time.

When I was in high school, the first time I ever sneak out I was freaked out but once I got away with it, then I thought every time I could.

Same goes for one time they are asked a question and they know the answers.....
I have a 17 year old step-son and this is his mentality to a tee! I cannot stand it! It gets under my skin to the 10th degree. Noone i's answer is most likely the best answer. They're too damn dumb and stubborn to know other wise.
don't they
because they think so. they havent had enough experience yet to learn that - maybe they dont know all there is to know. everyone thinks they know everything til they realize that theres always more to know. ya never stop learning. and theyll learn that soon enough
maybe they really do!
Think back. You were a teen once too and probably thought the same. I know I did!!
Teens always think they know everything until they get older, then they find out all the stuff they don't know. Tell them you have lived longer and learned more than them, and when they are your age then they will know everything!!!
They think they do- They should start paying their bills or move out while the KNOW everything!!
I think they are hormonal and trying to form their own identities. It's natural for them to want to have seperate ideas than their parents. It's nature preparing them for life, to be independent. It's a tough balancing act for parents though.
It is sheer ignorance of knowledge in the world. And the belief that they can get away with it is arrogance born out of ignorance.
OK why do older people always assume that teenager think they know everything??

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