Friday, November 25, 2011

How can teenagers lose weight?

Same way as the rest of the population. Eat healthy and do plenty of exercise.How can teenagers lose weight?
If a teenager is chronically overweight (50 lbs %26lt; lbs) they can try the Rice Diet. The Rice diet grants at least 20-25 lbs of weight loss the first month if strictly followed. It is basically a detox of all salts %26lt; 60mg and natural foods ( veges, fruits, wheat, rice etc.). Oh and ya exercise. We call this a Life Style Change.

On the other hand If a teenager needs to lose a couple of pounds (5-30) or become healthier, you can do a modified vegetarian diet or Rice diet. This consists of eating more salads, vegetables, cutting out red meat ( such as steak), and pork( such as bacon and sausage) and instead eating just chicken and and fish.

Hey you can still have your bacon and sausage, just try switching to turkey bacon or turkey sausage or a turkey burger or vege.

Also try cutting out greasy foods, fried foods and salty foods will help, and eating less bread. Oh and exercising regularly is key. Whether it is walking 30 minutes/twice a day or doing a 10- 15 minute work out before breakfast and after dinner or before dinner. Mainly twice a day. Try taking the stairs instead of an elevator, and make simple changes.

Also the key is to eat a good breakfast in the morning and a good lunch in the noon and have a few small snacks in between for a calorie restriction diet. For dinner eat lighter. A Salad and maybe a piece of grilled/ baked fish or chicken will do.

DON'T think of this as a DIET think of it as a Life Style Change. Oh and you don't always have to eat healthily, you can have one unhealthy meal one day of the week. An example is maybe a pizza with a lot vegetables. Oh and the key to losing weight and maintaining is to drink A LOT OF WATER. Your urine should look like lemonade, not apple juice.

Rice Diet :

A Sample Menu Phase 1:

One Day of the week:

Breakfast : Two Straches and Two Fruit

Lunch: Two Straches and Two Fruit

Dinner: Two Starches and Two Fruit

Breakfast: Modified Lacto

Lunch: Modified Vege

Dinner: Modified Vege


Breakfast: 1 Pear and 1- 1/2 cup of oatmeal with blueberries.

Lunch: 2 Pears 1/2 cup of rice (brown)

Dinner: 1 cup of mixed fresh berries and 1/2 cup of rice (brown)

Breakfast: 2 Pears 1/2 cup of mixed fresh blueberries and Kashi cereal w/ skim milk.

Lunch: Steamed broccoli, Steamed carrots and steamed green beans 1 /2 cup of rice (brown)

Dinner: Steamed broccoli, Steamed cabbage and Green beans 1 /2 cup of rice (brown)

The 1st phase there is no meat the 2nd phase there is meat

For more Info on the RICE Diet check out the book.

Modified Vegetarian Diet:

Breakfast: 2 Pears 1/2 cup of mixed fresh blueberries and Kashi cereal w/ skim milk.

Lunch: Steamed broccoli, Steamed carrots and steamed green beans, 1 small piece of grilled fish (salmon, cod)

Dinner: Steamed broccoli, Steamed cabbage and a baked sweet potato, 1 small piece of chicken



Dehydrated Vege/ Fruit Chips



Pop Corn(w/o heavy butter or salt)

Low-fat yogurt

Unhealthy Day:

Breakfast: A fruit shake ( 1/2 banana, strawberries, and blueberries)

Lunch: A Big Garden Salad and a Turkey Burger w/o cheese, mustard and if you like mayo try Veganase/ Nayonase.

Dinner: A Thin Crust Garden Fresh Pizza w/o cheese

And A Big Salad

Drinks: A Lot of Water!

Oh Yah : Make Exercise Fun!

Do a Dance class

Play your favorite sport

Do Nintendo Wii

Or What ever floats your boat that is exercise and HAVE FUN!!!

_Good LUCK _ ;-)How can teenagers lose weight?
Get a membership at a local gym, and go there to workout whenever you have time. I've been going since summer started and I am definitely replacing body fat with lean muscle. Try running on a treadmill or elyptical for 30 mins, then work on legs, arms, or abs (alternate every time you go).

MAJOR CARDIO TIP!!! When you are doing cardio, like running, changing your speed every so often burns fat and calories WAY faster than just keeping a steady speed. Alternate between jogging, sprinting, and fast-walking throughout your workout.

But you also have to have a healthy diet, too. A good rule that I go by is: Eat what you want, when you want, but ONLY if you're hungry. If you aren't hungry and start snacking, you're just putting extra unneeded calories, fat, and all that other stuff in your body. Since you're not hungry, your body doesn't have anything to do with it and will just store it on your body, causing you to gain weight.

Just try to make healthy choices... like yogurt, fruit, etc. when you're hungry inbetween meals.
Diet and exercise. That's really all there is to it.

I used to be heavily overweight.. over the course of the summer, I watched what I ate, jogged every morning for 45 minutes, and skipped rope every night for 45 minutes.

Of course you have to build it up, during the first couple of days, I was only able to jog for about 6 or 7 minutes before I felt like puking and giving up... but know that each day gets easier and better. In a week or two, you'll start feeling physically good and then mentally, it gets easier.
Well no teenager should be on a diet seen as though you are still growing,

But a healthy diet and plenty of exercises should be a lifestyle thing.

Hope this helps
easy as 123! First start exercising. Then watch what you eat.No junk food only healthy food allowed. Do some physical activities like running jogging stuff like thatIm sure youll see a difference.
Try having heavy breakfast and normal lunch than skip your dinner .

If there is really an urge to eat at dinner time , try eating fruits or granola bars instead .
Like any other person, eating right and exercise.
Same way everyone else does, Improve your diet and exercise more. There is no secret to it.
eat healthier drinking more water helps me fight cravings sometimes and go on walks it helps me
daily exersize and eating good food. 3 meals a day plus snacks... but good snacks! like apples and such :)
The same way everyone else does... diet and exercise!
A good diet and lots of excerise.

eat a lot but in small quantitys it worked for me
a diet and exercise
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