so far all ive put is that teenagers need a variety of healthy foods containing wheat, protein, calcium and vitamins.
and the need to include foods from the 5 food groups
anything else?Daily nutritional requirements for teenagers?
It depends on which food pyramid they are working from? The old chart or the new one??
Basic Teen requirements are as follows:
Calories- females require 2200 Cal./day and males 2500-3000.
Protein- females 0.8g/kg./d males 1.0g/kg./d (30% of caloric intake) Mody teens meet or exceed this level, including vegetarians.
Fats- 30% of daily calories. Most adolescents get enough fats through fast foods and fried foods. Teenagers should be taught to read labels and learn about fat content of foods.
Calcium- The majority of bone mass deposition occurs during adolescence. Daily requirement 1500 mg./day. Good sources include calcium enriched orange juice, green leafy vegetables, sardines, soymilk, and tofu. Antacid tablets contain 300 mg of calcium are good dietary supplements.
Iron- requirements are high during adolescence because of growth. Requirement higher in menstruating females. Good sources include meats, green vegetable, cereals fortified with iron, fish, poultry, eggs, and nuts.
Zinc- 12-15 mgs./day. Found in meats, eggs,seafood, and dairy products
Fiber-20-25 grams/day. Found in fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and cereals.
Vitamins-most commonly adolescents are deficient A, B6 ,E. D, C, and folic acid. Usually adolescents who are eating normal daily requirements of nutrients, their diets were not deficient in vitamins. If not getting daily requirements, should get vitamin supplements.
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